

Floral: Blended with Lavender & Geranium Rose OilsExtreme odor eliminating soy wax candle blended with odor removing enzymes. Safely neutralizes unwanted pet, smoke and other household odors using a blend of natural citrus and odor eliminating oils. Odors are removed from the air and will leave area..
Lime: Pure Distilled Lime OilExtreme odor eliminating soy wax candle blended with odor removing enzymes. Safely neutralizes unwanted pet, smoke and other household odors using a blend of natural citrus and odor eliminating oils. Odors are removed from the air and will leave area smelling fresh and c..
Cedarwood: Blended with Pure Atlantic Cedarwood Oil Extreme odor eliminating soy wax candle blended with odor removing enzymes. Safely neutralizes unwanted pet, smoke and other household odors using a blend of natural citrus and odor eliminating oils. Odors are removed from the air and will ..
Available sizes:  33x20x9h  44x27x12h   Double bowl with water reservoir Rubber anti-slip feet Keeps water fresher and cleaner - easily dump out old or dirty water Assembles easily Great for all pet sizes..
Where it all began over a decade ago. A sustainably made bamboo food and water bowl that will last for years in the home, before naturally breaking down once disposed of. Natural food dyes are used to create bright colours.MADE WITHBAMBOOBamboo is super strong and grows in abundance, absorbing 35x m..
Where it all began over a decade ago. A sustainably made bamboo food and water bowl that will last for years in the home, before naturally breaking down once disposed of. Natural food dyes are used to create bright colours.MADE WITHBAMBOOBamboo is super strong and grows in abundance, absorbing 35x m..
This scoop is made from natural bamboo and rice husk with natural food dyes. It is BPA free, strong and durable and will last for years in the home before breaking down once disposed of. It has a rigid handle and a capacity of 500ml...
擁有四角保護墊,為寵物提供一個舒適的休息地方·      顏色時尚,可配合您的家居裝飾·      防水耐用,易於清潔  100% 滌綸Polyester尺寸: S   33 x 46 cm尺寸: M  48 x 62 cm尺寸: L  53 x 78 cm..
擁有四角保護墊,為寵物提供一個舒適的休息地方·      顏色時尚,可配合您的家居裝飾·      防水耐用,易於清潔  100% 滌綸Polyester尺寸: S   33 x 46 cm尺寸: M  48 x 62 cm尺寸: L  53 x 78 cm..
擁有四角保護墊,為寵物提供一個舒適的休息地方 ·      顏色時尚,可配合您的家居裝飾 ·      防水耐用,易於清潔     100% 滌綸Polyester     尺寸: S   33 x 46 cm   尺寸: M  48 x 62 cm 尺寸: L  53 x 78 cm..
有效殺滅沙門氏菌、大腸桿菌、金黃葡萄球菌和綠膿桿菌Direction for dose:Normal use: 1/2 dl. to 6L water.Disinfections: 1dl. to 6L waterAfter virus attack: 2 dl. 6L water.Rinse with hot water...
有效殺滅沙門氏菌、大腸桿菌、金黃葡萄球菌和綠膿桿菌Direction for dose:Normal use: 1/2 dl. to 6L water.Disinfections: 1dl. to 6L waterAfter virus attack: 2 dl. 6L water.Rinse with hot water...
Dr. Klēn高效環保消毒水溶片醫療級消毒、殺菌、除臭+ Dr. Klēn採用NaDCC (Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate) 消毒成分,是世衛WHO及多個國際權威 ,例如: 英國NHS,美國疾控局 CDC,美國環保局USEPA及Unicef認可的成分。+成份歷史悠久,常見採用於嬰兒奶瓶用品消毒及外遊食水安全處理。+ NaDCC殺菌消毒能力廣泛,並有效殺滅99.9%細菌, 真菌, 病毒,包括新冠病毒COVID-19*。+ 世衛亦推薦NaDCC作為新冠肺炎疫情控制指引^+ 用途廣泛 -包括家居清潔,用品消毒,地板清潔,醫療護理+性質溫和,可自由調配濃度。加水即成有效醫療級..
適用於 EVERSWEET2S、EVERSWEET3 和 EVERSWEET SOLO 的 PETKIT 智能飲水機。5 件。具有雙重過濾組件和高密度微孔過濾器。矽膠密封環,防滲水設計。溫馨提示:在安裝到智能水機前,請將新濾芯片在乾淨的水中浸泡至少 10 分鐘。 更換後請不要忘記重置設備。..
Petkit Eversweet智能飲水機榮獲2017年德國RedDot國際設計大獎殊榮Smart模式每間隔3分鐘噴水3分鐘,Normal模式持續噴水缺水自動斷電及加水提示功能.防止水泵空轉分離式設計,可直接抽出無線內桶清洗,安全方便三重過濾濾芯,達人用級標準,提供潔淨水源寵物功學高度設計,可舒緩頸椎壓力問題橙色更換濾芯提示燈,通過水泵噴水量計算更換週期高效能靜音水泵,通過操作測試40分貝以下可加配2代/2S代專用智能加溫器使用分離式水泵設計, 水泵損壞可獨立更換環保慳電,Smart模式操作平均3個月消耗1度電外型簡潔,設計時尚,貓狗均適用2L食品級ABS儲水桶,超大容量..
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