

Dog Shampoo & Conditioner in OneDeep Cleansing Formula, Ideal for Outdoor & Extra Dirty DogsCleans and lathers well using safe & healthy ingredients.An Aromatic Blend of Organic Honey, Pro Vitamin B5 & Botanical ExtractsAroma Paws Dog Shampoo & Conditioner is blended with Green Tea Leaf Extract for ..
● 特有天然的椰子油,具保濕滋養功效,改善毛髮乾枯、易於折斷的問題,使清潔後的毛髮更潤澤、更易梳理 ● 木瓜萃取物的修復及抗菌作用,能給予因長期受化學物質而受損的皮毛,能得到最好的呵護及滋養● 香草豆油則讓表皮神經保持舒緩的狀態● 海草萃取物幫助深層清潔,同時能促進血液循環● 海藻精華則能幫助消除皮膚炎症,所含的維生素B群更能有效地抵抗過敏症狀● 針對敏感型皮膚及長毛的寵物,使用後更有預防毛髮打結的功效IngredientsPurified Water, Coconut Glucose, Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Aloe Vera Extract..
Dog Shampoo & ConditionerNatural Coat Brightener Formula, For Light Colored FurCleans and lathers well using safe & healthy ingredients.An Aromatic Blend of Organic Honey, Pro Vitamin B5 & Botanical ExtractsAroma Paws Dog Shampoo & Conditioner is blended with Green Tea Leaf Extract for a shiny coat,..
Dog Shampoo & Conditioner in OneFluffy, Shiny Coat Formula, Adds Softness & Shine for Fluffy Clean FurCleans and lathers well using safe & healthy ingredients.An Aromatic Blend of Organic Honey, Pro Vitamin B5 & Botanical ExtractsAroma Paws Dog Shampoo & Conditioner is blended with Green Tea Leaf Ex..
Dog Shampoo & Conditioner in OneAnti-Itch & Calming Formula, Helps Calm During and After Bath TimeCleans and lathers well using safe & healthy ingredients.An Aromatic Blend of Organic Honey, Pro Vitamin B5 & Botanical ExtractsAroma Paws Dog Shampoo & Conditioner is blended with Green Tea Leaf Extrac..
Dry Skin & Dandruff Relief Formula Dog Shampoo & Conditioner in OneProvides Extra Relief for Dry Itchy SkinCleans and lathers well using safe & healthy ingredients.An Aromatic Blend of Organic Honey, Pro Vitamin B5 & Botanical ExtractsAroma Paws Dog Shampoo & Conditioner is blended with Green Tea Le..
BioRescue寵物皮膚修護噴霧,特含紐西蘭專利生物活性成份「古樹芯素TOTAROL™」獸醫推薦針對修復傷口﹑濕疹﹑過敏及所有受損皮膚。一支幫您妥善護理貓狗脆弱肌!恆常使用一噴即紓:貓狗「傷口 + 濕疹 + 敏弱肌」首選:✅ 傷口潰瘍 ✅ 濕疹 , 金錢癬 ✅ 過敏性皮膚 (例如 : 痕癢,出粒粒紅疹 , 蚊叮蟲咬) ✅ 所有敏感脆弱受損肌膚 可直接噴於皮膚患處,每日三至四次,無須清洗過水。..
紐西蘭獸醫推薦配方⭐不含類固醇 / 藥性 ⭐不會造成抗藥性或依賴⭐性質温和, 不刺激皮膚 ⭐入口無害紐西蘭製造,100%天然環保無毒寵物皮膚修護洗毛液,蘊含有機專利生物活性成份「古樹芯素TOTAROL™」,有效強力抗菌除癬消炎。任何貓狗皮膚適用。古樹芯素TOTAROL™- 功效特強抗菌:強效消炎及對抗多種細菌!包括Gram +ve / -ve和超級抗藥性菌種 MRSA*。特效紓緩 ✅傷口、 ✅濕疹、 ✅過敏性及 ✅各種受損皮膚!..
Curicyn’s wound care for dogs formula is designed to help promote rapid healing for a variety of wounds and skin conditions your animal may encounter with little to no scarring. This product is also great for addressing the wounds and skin conditions of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, chickens,..
Curicyn’s BodyGuard fly spray for horses is a 100% non-toxic product that helps protect your animal from a variety of bugs and insects, including fleas, ticks and gnats. Not only can this product be used on horses, but it also benefits dogs, swine, livestock, cats and more.Curicyn’s BodyGuard Fly, F..
DescriptionToothpaste for dogs – with enzymes.InstructionUse a normal soft toothbrush. Brush the dog’s teeth with small circular movements without pressing too hard. Rinse the dog’s teeth with clean water after brushing. Brush daily or as needed. Keep out of the reach of children...
寵物的口臭不止令人難以親近,更代表牠的口腔健康出現問題!口臭出現代表著口腔內有細菌,容易導致牙周病、牙齦炎以及牙菌斑和牙結石累積等口腔疾病,因此獸醫推薦TropiClean的清新寵物口腔護理啫喱,有助清潔牙齒、清新口氣和紓緩牙肉痛等症狀,適合貓咪和狗狗使用!使用方法- 在狗狗的嘴邊每邊塗抹兩滴清新寵物口腔護理啫喱。- 塗抹後,狗狗會不停舔嘴唇,這是正常現象,有助啫喱覆蓋牙齒和牙肉表面。- 如想達到最佳效果,使用後半小時內不要讓寵物進食或飲水。- 牙刷不是必須,但是有助更有效地去除牙菌斑和牙結石。- 每晚使用一次。成分:純淨水、植物提取酒精、甘油、綠薄荷、天然清潔劑、卡波姆葉綠素、綠茶葉提取物..
有效預防及持續殺滅狗蚤、蚤卵、幼蟲及牛蜱(壁蝨)等殺滅狗蚤及其幼蟲等有效期可長達三個月之久,殺滅牛蜱(壁蝨)則有效期為一個月;每次滴後24小時後,效力不受水洗、沐浴或洗毛精影響。Frontline Plus是保護你的寵物寶貝最好的滅蚤產品,可長期使用,無任何副作用。一盒三支,每支為含量1.34ml的藥液,應用在8週齡以上及10-20kg之狗隻。建議用量:每月滴一次,每次一支,30日內不可再滴用。..
有效預防及持續殺滅狗蚤、蚤卵、幼蟲及牛蜱(壁蝨)等殺滅狗蚤及其幼蟲等有效期可長達三個月之久,殺滅牛蜱(壁蝨)則有效期為一個月;每次滴後24小時後,效力不受水洗、沐浴或洗毛精影響。Frontline Plus是保護你的寵物寶貝最好的滅蚤產品,可長期使用,無任何副作用。一盒三支,每支為含量2.68ml的藥液,應用在8週齡以上及20-40kg之狗隻。建議用量:每月滴一次,每次一支,30日內不可再滴用。..
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