MicrocynAH® 麥高臣寵物神仙抗癢啫喱,用於減輕各種皮膚受刺激所引起的灼熱、痕癢和疼痛,為患處皮膚提供舒緩及滋潤。也可用於緩解一度及二度燒傷的痛楚。護理寵物皮膚快速安全有效解決真菌、皮炎、濕疹、皮疹、濃瘡、金錢癬、傷口發炎潰爛、燒燙傷加快傷口癒合 消毒真菌為寵物形成透明繃帶,保護皮膚免受二次傷害Ingredients 成分 :水、鈉鎂鋰、氟矽酸鹽、聚二甲基矽氧烷、硫酸鈉、次氯酸Directions for Use 使用方法 :1、使用前搖勻。2、調整噴嘴。噴適量於皮膚,擦開,直至完全滲透。3、每天重複3-4次,無需清洗,直到皮膚癒合。*如果有必要,使用前可先剪去除皮膚表面多餘的毛髮。..
MicrocynAH 麥高臣寵物神仙水,能安全有效快速護理寵物皮膚,解決真菌、皮炎、濕疹、皮疹、膿瘡、金錢癬、傷口發炎潰爛、燒燙傷等皮膚問題,有效加快傷口癒合,消毒殺菌。使用Microcyn®專利技術,不傷害健康細胞,快速安全有效。30秒有效對抗99.999%細菌、真菌和病毒。代替鹽水、雙氧水消毒抗菌,不含酒精,類固醇或抗生素,無毒,無刺激性抗敏,適用於所有年齡階段的動物。安全有效快速護理寵物皮膚解決真菌、皮炎、濕疹、皮疹、膿瘡、金錢癬、傷口發炎潰爛、燒燙傷有效加快傷口癒合,消毒殺菌Directions for Use 使用方法 :1.噴適量於皮膚,直至完全滲透。2.每天重複3-4次,無需清洗..
We love wild animals, but dogs love them too. Inspired by nature, Narish's new tooth-cleaning snacks have launched the Jungle Brothers series. They will definitely become dogs' best companions. These "small animals" are not only lifelike, they can be eaten and played, and they can effectively clean ..
Description:Kelp Help Powder for use in dogs and cats.For use in dogs and cats. Kelp Help™ Powder combines the benefits of natural omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids with essential trace minerals and vitamins for healthy skin and a glossy coat. Contains essential Vitamins, Minerals & Amino Acids. This is ..